We've purchased numerous "treats" for Halley - but she didn't care for any of them. So, Melissa made her some "Chicken Liver Brownies" and she just loves them. Great treat (if you can keep from gagging while making them).
Chicken Liver Brownies
1.25 lbs chicken livers
1 cup wheat germ
2 T whole wheat flour
2 C quick cook oats
2 eggs
3 T peanut butter
2 cloves garlic
1 T olive oil.
Liquefy chicken livers in food processor. Add remaining ingredients and blend until smooth. Pour into greased 11 x 7 or 8 x 8 pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 30-40 minutes. Cool/cut in squares and refrigerate.
Melissa also made her a "stew" to mix up with her kibble rather than relying on canned dog food (most of which is questionable in the nutrition department).
Halley's Chicken Stew
Purchase the largest bag of chicken thighs and legs available (I think we used about 10 pounds). Boil until tender (probably about an hour). Remove from pot (we used a large turkey roaster). Remove chicken skin and bones and chop up a bit. Now, in the boiling water add some sliced zucchini, carrots, green beans, etc. - anything you would like to eat in a stew - but NO onions! Add in a little brown rice and cook until tender. Now combine all and blend in a food processor or blender, adding cooking liquid until it looks like baby food. Package in 1 cup containers and freeze. To serve, add 1/2 cup to breakfast and 1/2 cup to dinner. Stir into kibble. (Halley likes hers warmed in the microwave before adding to kibble). We usually add 1T plain yogurt to each meal - supposed to aid in digestion.
I told Melissa that next time she needed to dip out some of this stew for our supper before blending it up for Halley. It smelled REALLY good!
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